Trek Women
December 29, 2007


Today is my wedding anniversary.  The Loveman and I have been married for 17 years.  Yes, I got married when I was 5 years old.  In honor of our special day I felt the need to write about the Loveman. 

The Loveman is the king of wish lists.  He has running lists all year round and 90% of the things on his lists are either bikes, bike parts or bike clothing.  I make fun of him 24/7.  How can someone need so much bike stuff?  How can someone need so many bikes? 

This Christmas he had his usual big old list.  One of the items was a Trek Portland urban bike.  Big surprise.

He recently started a new job and it is about 8 miles from our house.  He says that he has added time to his life with such a short commute.  He also talks about how he is going to ride his bike to work.  Within the same breathe he talks about the perfect commuter bike, the Trek Portland.

Yes, he has several bikes but shouldn't he have one specific to each and every riding occasion?  I guess so.  Needless to say, Santa brought him a new bike for Christmas.  I think I may have lost my mind...or I'm the greatest wife in the world.  Now I know why he has hung around so long. 


Just got home from our Christmas vacation, not as eventful as yours but i ran to check your blog and i had to write before i even unpacked (not that it will happen until days from now). You are very blessed with the Loveman, he is a keeper as well i think it is also safe to say that you are likewise.

wishing you both a Happy Anniversary! And of course a Happy 2008!!!!!!

Posted by: cheryl | Dec 31, 2007 5:43:20 PM

My husband had the exact same reaction to a new job..."Now I need a commuter bike." And like your husband mine had a full suspension mountain bike with "lots of travel", a single speed, a cruiser, and at the time a road bike and all were fully functional. Nearly one bike for every day of the work week! He convinced me that spending $400 on a commuter would save big bucks. Needless to say, he rode the commuter bike for a while, even through the snow, but eventually caved and started driving. In the summer we do ride our cruiser bikes to work together.

Posted by: Haley | Jan 7, 2008 12:14:50 PM

I never realized or my mind is going already, my birthday and your anniversary are on the same day. I knew there was a reason why I love you.

Posted by: Rebecca Johnson-Acra | Jan 10, 2008 8:39:01 PM

You have different shoes for different kinds of travel, right? Different bikes for commuting make sense too, because commuting is *very* different - cargo, speed and what-to-do-with-it-at-either-end wise.
I have a foul-weather and a fair-weather commuting bicycle, myself :D

Posted by: Siouxgeonz | Jan 18, 2008 2:13:17 PM

You are absolutely right. A bike for every mood and every day. I'm a believer.

Posted by: Susan | Jan 18, 2008 9:10:38 PM

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