Trek Women
May 27, 2008


Over the holiday weekend the Loveman and I managed to ride three times.  That's very exciting for a couple  with 4 monkeys.  The riding in the Lehigh Valley is pretty hard to beat.  For those of you that don't know the Lehigh Valley it is known as being a big training area for cyclists. 

The evening we arrived we did our own ride and then on Saturday we decided to hook up with the Lehigh Wheelmen Association.  They had a scheduled 45 mile hilly ride which we thought sounded like fun.  Yes I know, to most people it would sound like pure torture but to us it sounded like fun. 

Now when one arrives at a group ride (especially where people don't know you) you expect to get the cold shoulder accompanied by some disapproving look at your bike as if it isn't good enough for "the club ride".  I knew we had one thing going for us, we ride kick ass bikes.  I ride a Trek Madone 6.5 WSD and the Loveman rides a Calfee and I knew no one would have a thing to say about our bikes.  If they did I would have kicked their ass. 

The first guy that arrived was the group leader Neil.  He walked over to us, shook our hands and was thrilled to death that we had come out for one of his favorite rides.  He was genuinely pleased to have us there as special guests. 

As the riders assembled (about 7 of us) each and every rider said hello, shook our hands and introduced themselves.  At one point I thought maybe they were getting ready to kill us, throw us in a ditch and steal our bikes.  How could they be so nice?  Come on this is a group ride.  Isn't anyone going to be mean and nasty?

Neil put together an amazing route that blew the Loveman and I away.  Yes, the route was tough and had a ton of climbing but it didn't matter a bit.  It was a great group to ride with, we had a perfect day...and the best part of the ride was that there was another women!  The Loveman and I looking forward toor next ride in the Lehigh Valley with the Lehigh Wheelmen Association.

May 26, 2008


Ok - so I am not rich nor am I famous but I pretended to be for the weekend.  The Loveman I and I headed up to Fogelsville, PA to the Glasbern Inn.  The Glasbern Inn is an incredibly beautiful 35 room Bed and Breakfast in the Lehigh Valley. 

There are fireplaces and hot tubs in every room and an amazing restaurant and pub, all surrounded by rolling hills.  It is a peaceful place for a nice romantic getaway.  We managed to farm our monkeys out to about 20 different people over the course of three days but it was well worth it.  The best part of the wholeRich1 weekend was the riding.  We brought our bikes along and got out on them every day.  The terrain was tough but we both had an incredible workout.  In my next blog I'll tell you all about the cool riders we hooked with along the way. 

If you're in the market for a weekend away, check this place out...or any B & B.  It does wonders for your mind, body and soul...not to mention your relationship.

May 23, 2008


After my first brick I decided to continue in this fun and overly abusive type of training.  Yes, I run, bike and swim at the gym, and sometimes all on the same day but never in an intense outdoor training session.  Why would I ever do something crazy like that?

This week I hung with a group of tri-trainees lead by fitness guru Kim Kelleghar.  Kim is a great girl, a super mom, a good friend and someone I enjoy riding with.  I am always interested in doing what she does.  My reason?  Maybe because she is rock hard and barely a size 2?  Maybe because she has less than 1% body fat?  Maybe because I think if I do what she does than my body will look like hers?  Bingo!  There you have it. 

Well clearly that will never happen but I still showed up for her "brick training" session.  We ran 2 miles, biked 19 miles and then ran 2 more miles (because the first 2 miles weren't enough).  Yes, running sucks and it sucks even more when you have to do it twice. 

The ride was way fun and Kim ran with me and gave me a few basic pointers
1. Carry oxygen next time you run you idiot!
2. You could go faster if you were walking!
3. My mother could run circles around you!
4  Maybe you shouldn't have partied last night!

Yes, I completed the run, did fine with the ride (my favorite part) and ran the last 2 miles with a big fat grin (and gut) because I knew I was almost done.  I am really looking forward to doing my first tri this summer at the Danceskin Boston Tri and the Columbia Irongirl.  We shall see!  Maybe I'll see if Trek can get me one of those super flattering one piece tri skin suits.  I'll be sure to keep you posted on my progress!  Enjoy the ride...whatever it may be. 

May 22, 2008


I read the greatest article today on that really shows how far women have come in life and in bicycling.  I think its fantastic that biking played such a big part in the Women's Lib Movement. 

Back in the early 1900's women were trammeled their whole life.  If it wasn't by the men they were with and their societal obligations it was the heavy tight undergarments that they wore every day of their life.  Their clothing practically cut off their circulation and heavily restricted their movements.   Of course biking was a big no-no along with the fact that women could barely move on a bike with their clothes and the length of their skirts.

Eventually women fought back and argued for "reasonable clothing" with undergarments weighing no more than 7 pounds.  That's what they call reasonable?!?!  That's almost half the weight of my bike!  Soon after women started wearing bloomers because they were shorter and wouldn't get caught in the bike while riding.   

Once women began riding the female cyclists were often accosted.  One of the first women to ride a bike in London, Emma Eades, was attacked verbally and physically.  People actually threw bricks and stones at  The fact that a women was out enjoying her freedom was threatening to the rest of the world.  Luckily it didn't bother these women.  They stood up for themselves and just kept riding.  Love that!

Susan B. Anthony once said, "Let me tell you what I think of bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world.  A woman on a bicycle, the equal rights champion observed, presents "the picture of free and untrammeled womanhood."    

Needless to say women are riding more than ever so let's keep the numbers going up!  Feel the freedom!

May 20, 2008



Last week was Bike to Work Week.  Last Friday, May 16th, was Bike to Work Day.  Bike to Work Day is celebrated across the country and is getting bigger every year. 

Bike to Work Day participants help raise awareness of using alternate forms of transportation which promote clean air and reduce traffic congestion. Biking to work also improves your health and saves you money.  Kind of a no brainer, right?

Btw1 The night before Bike to Work Day I asked my son Liam if he had any desire in participating in the ride and rally with the Loveman and I, reminding him that I would be waking him up at 6am.  Of course he enthusiastically said yes, which is exactly what I had expected him to say.

The next morning it was pouring rain and the Loveman suggested that I not wake him.  I knew if I didn't wake him that he would be very upset so I went into his room, told him it was raining and asked him if he still wanted to participate in the ride.  He said said yes, just like I thought he would.

Btw2 We rode into town in the pouring rain and he couldn't have been happier.  When we got to the rally people were snacking on bagels, donuts and bananas and drinking juice and coffee.  Liam was the only kid there and he was taking it all in. 

A few announcements were made, awards were given out and then there was a raffle.  There were lots of cool prizes as well as a new bike for the grand prize.  As they announced the final number for the new bike Liam held tightly onto his ticket.  Low and behold they called his number!  He couldn't believe it...actually none of us could believe it.  The bike shop owner told him that he would take the adult size bike back to his shop and let Liam pick out a bike his size.  What a happy day!

He rode all the way back home in the pouring rain and as he got ready for school he said, "Mom, this was totally worth getting out of bed at 6am."   Now if my kid can do this so can you.  We all can make a difference if we try.  Now hop to it!

May 18, 2008



May is National Clean Commute Month.  As part of this the Harford County Public libraries decided to celebrate with bike safety awareness.  Sounds like a pretty good idea, right?  There were special evenings offered throughout the county where an adult or child could come in and learn how to properly fit someone else or themselves in a bike helmet. 

I spent an evening at the Bel Air Library with Officer Mike from the Bel Air Police and we fitted children and adults in helmets.  We also chatted with the kids about the importance of wearing a bike helmet.  At the end we raffled off 12 helmets and a good time was had by all.

The most important thing about fitting a helmet on you or your child's head is that it should be level.  Once the helmet is level make sure it fits snug on your head.  If it does not use the pads that come with the helmet to get it snug.  Next work on the straps, which takes a long time - so be patient!  Then snap the bottom and you should be able to fit 2 fingers between the strap and your chin. 

The event I participated in was sponsored by Harford County Government Commuter Assistance Program, Harford Velo Cycling Club (my cycling club), One Less Car, Harford County Highway Safety Committee and HCPL.  It's so nice to see the community come together to support safe bicycle riding for everyone.  It's also great to see that parents are recognizing that this is pretty important stuff we're talking about.  It's about time!

FYI - Officer Mike and I did not where our helmets through the entire evening - only for the photos.

May 15, 2008


I received this email from last week from a couple of friends that I have known for a few years.  Their passion for Trek and biking as a family is very impressive.  Enjoy!

404 Hey Susan,

Steph and I have been reading your blogs (very cool, BTW) and wanted to share that we are also a Trek family.
I've been mountain biking since the late 80's and have ridden a Trek exclusively for the last 15+ years. I have even been a willing guinea pig for the Y-Glide (one of the early experiments for Trek with "technology" in full suspension mountain biking).  And even through that, I have always stayed faithful to the brand. Not only do we all ride Treks, but Julia has her own Trek Trailer known as the "Queens Seat". 

It's been a few years since we did a total upgrade of the fleet and I was just telling Steph how she should give the WSD a try. It's great to see what Trek is doing to keep up with the needs of their customers while retaining the awesome quality to price ratio they are known for.
I wanted to pass along one of the MOST fun traditions we have as a family. Every year for the last 15 years we have taken a summer vacation to Bar Harbor, Maine. In the early years, Steph and I did equal parts hiking and biking, but as the kids came along (the last 7 years) we transitioned to mostly all biking.

Jacob has literally grown up biking the carriage roads of Acadia National Park and is quite a strong hill climber for doing so! There is one particular ride we do every year which is about 70% uphill and climbs over 3000 feet within just a couple miles. He has ridden it without dismounting since he was 5 years old on his 12" Trek "Jet" bike. He's now on a 16" MT60 with 7 speeds and is really rockin' it.

At the age of 4 Julia is still enjoying her throne, but can brag that she is still wearing her princess helmet we first purchased for her at Bar Harbor Bike Shop when she was only 2 years old.  Mt Desert Island and Acadia Park are world renown for biking and sightseeing and we just wanted to share a few pics of how we enjoy our trips there with our Trek Bikes!

Ed and Steph
May 12, 2008


I am a firm believer of the clipless pedals.  More power, efficient pedal stroke, you look cool and they feel so much better than a big bulky gym shoe.  I wouldn't ride any other way.  I have SPD's on my spinning and mountain bikes and  speedplays on my road bike. 

Yes, when I started using clipless pedal about 15 years ago I sucked hard.  I fell all the time, could never get out of or into the pedals and I was very insecure about the whole process.  But in time, I fell in love and got really good at it. 

Whenever I travel without my bike I always bring my shoes and pedals.  Last week while in Sedona I went to put my pedals on their bike and the hotel staff did not have any tools.  I did not bring our wrench because we only have one and I thought that Loveman the Tech might need it.  As a result I sucked it up and rode with plain old crappy pedals and my cycling shoes.  What a challenge that was!

Every time I would start climbing really hard my foot would slip off the pedal and the sharp silver prongs on the pedals would jab directly into my calves.  It was terribly painful.  Sometimes I would just plain forget that I wasn't clipped it and wham I would get stabbed again in the calf.  It clearly added a whole new element to my ride.

What did I learn?  Always bring your own tools!  No matter what!

May 11, 2008


Of course my mom is!  Should there even be any doubt in your mind?  Yes, I understand that everyone thinks their mom is the greatest but I'll bet it's because you haven't met mine yet!

Childbearing... mother of six.
Patience...more than I'll ever have.
Dwelling...her house always looks great.
Looks...her hair always looks great.
Food...she can make anything?
Fun...loves to laugh.
Social...likes to party.
Nana1_4 Supportive...of anything i do.
Accepting...of everyone.
Generous...would give you her shirt.
Extended Family...grandmother of 14.
Door Policy...always open.

I am so lucky to have such a great mom.  Have I gotten her present in the mail yet?  No.  Have I purchased it yet?  No.  Will she care?  No.  Does she understand that I'm doing the best I can at the hardest job in the world?  Yes.  Is she as cool as cool can be?  Yes.

Happy Mother's Day to Joanne (my mom) and all of the wonderful moms out there! 

May 9, 2008


Ok, so I'm one of the Women Who Ride.  Yes, I will milk this for a long time and I'm sure it'll be my claim to fame someday.  I'll be 90 years old riding around the neighborhood and people will see me and stop dead in their tracks to watch me cruise by.

Neighbor 1: Remember her? 
Neighbor 2: She was one of the original WWR! 
Neighbor 1:Oh yah... I think she was the crazy one.
Neighbor 2: You're right...she wasn't very fast but boy did she love to ride her bike.
Neighbor 1: And she always had the best bikes.
Neighbor 2: Can you imagine what her garage looks like!
Neighbor 1: Maybe we should get her picture.  It could be worth something.
Neighbor 2:We could sell it on Ebay! Why not see if we can catch her?
Neighbor 1: I don't think we'll have a problem catching her, I think she's about ninety.
Neighbor 2: 90!?!?!  Wow, she looks great!
Neighbor 1: I heard she had a lot of work done. 
Neighbor 2: In that case it'll totally be worth it if we get to meet her.
Neighbor 1: Let's bust a move!
And then I wake up...

Oh I digress.  My point IS that being a Women Who Rides is pretty cool (with the exception being the slow part, but I'm working on it).  Now YOU can also be a Women Who Rides just by signing up for the Women Who Ride Club.  I signed up about 8 days ago and received the greatest package in the mail. Everyone loves presents, right?  On top of all the cool stuff that was in the box I also got a new Timex Ironman Triatholon 30 Lap Watch for being one of the first 300 to sign up!  Have I mentioned how much I love Trek?