Trek Women
December 21, 2008



 I have now idea how we have gotten to December 22nd?  It feels like December just started yesterday and now its almost over.  I have finally managed to get my sickness under control without coughing up my ovaries but the rest of my life is a mess. 

Do you ever have that feeling that feeling that there's no way in hell that you'll ever be able to accomplish all the stuff you need to get done?  Well that's exactly how I feel.  I may be pre-menstrual but I'm feeling a little bit nuts right now.  I need to do laundry, x-mas cards, shop, pack, wrap, cook and lose 20 pounds all within the next few days.  I am so screwed.   

So for those of you that think my world is just peaches and cream, please feel free to come by my house and watch my children so I can get something done!


Somehow in the craziness it all ends up being so very good....have a great holiday with your family and best in 2009!!!! Lori

Posted by: lori | Dec 28, 2008 11:58:01 PM

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