Trek Women
April 5, 2009



Bittersweet.....ah yes, its one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite bands, Big Head Todd and the Monsters. 

Well that's how I'm feeling right now, Bittersweet.  I've been doing this Trek blogging gig for a couple of years and I'm really comfortable with it and gosh darn it I like it!  But all good things must come to an end....sniff sniff. 

This week Trek announced the next five Women Who Ride.  I know that no one can truly live up to the quality blogging that I present to my audience (joke) but I think we should give them a fair chance. 

....And the winners are....  Roxzanne Abbott, Caitlin Hollister, Rebecca Jensen, Amy King, and Mary Strupp.  I am thrilled to death for them and am sure they will rock the Women Who Ride Program.  I think I even get to meet them!

I would also like to say a big thank you to all of the women that submitted an essay.  Your enthusiasm was overwhelming and apparent in your essays.  As everyone knows it is hard to put yourself out there in front of a group of people and then ultimately not make the final cut.  I encourage you all to keep riding and to share your experiences and your love of the bike with every person you meet. 

We all do this for a reason so keep riding and remember its your courage to try new things that makes you a winner.


Hi Susan! Thanks for the intro. We get to meet? How great, you know lots more than we do. Tomorrow we go it get "educated", I can't wait because my summer/fall schedule needs to be tweeked. Seems that the 5 of you were very busy - AND for 2 years! Hope to meet you soon, you've donw a wonderful job blogging, photo taking, etc. How can we follow that record? Mary

Posted by: Mary Strupp | Apr 19, 2009 10:49:43 AM

Hi Susan!
I have absolutely been enjoying your blog and am feeling that we have a tough act to follow, but thanks for giving us a fair chance. ;-) You all did such an amazing job! Thanks for pioneering this program. I hope I do get to meet you! That would be fun. Will you be continuing to blog?

ps - Big Head Todd rocks!

Posted by: Amy King | Apr 19, 2009 9:16:55 PM


I will miss this blog...since Tim told me about it when it started, I've read pretty much every entry and have it bookmarked. I always thought I would drop you a line and tell you that, but of course never did...sorry...and now it looks like you are leaving! Anyway, you should know that you had/have a faithful reader down here in Charleston and I really enjoyed keeping up with you and the Loveman over the past couple of years. If you continue here, great, and if you decide to continue elsewhere, let me know--I'll be sure to follow. Tell Jim I said Hi...Love, Sledge

Posted by: Michael Reardon | Apr 21, 2009 7:57:21 AM

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